Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Review #6 - Please Don't Hit Me One More Time
Monday, June 7, 2010
Mini Review #5 - Help me, Batman!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Spice Girls: C'Mon and Spice Up Your Life!
Although clearly a casted, industry made band, the Spice Girls can be considered good. Their lyrics had positive messages, so parents and children alike could listen to them. These ladies (most of them) can actually sing. No technology helped them hit their notes, unlike many artists today. Some of the songs, such as Mama (my personal favourite) actually have substance and are, in my opinion, actually good songs. The Spice Girls weren't just fun entertainment. But admit it, their songs were catchy.
Mini-Review #4 - Owl City: A Band or One Dude?
Here is a picture of Owl City, who is just one dude by the way, and not a band.
Owl City had a big hit recently with his single (I'm sorry, but calling one guy 'Owl City' is too weird. I'd understand Owl, but Owl City? No.) 'Fireflies', which is about...umm...fireflies, I'm guessing? I don't know, since he only mentions fireflies once or twice in the whole song, his video is about a bunch of retro toys wasting batteries and energy during the night (does he turn on everything in his room when he can't sleep? If he does then he is bad!) and the rest of the lyrics make me think of recycling or world peace or something. They don't make sense to me, much like the name Owl City for just one guy.
Okay, after looking it up, Adam Young himself said he wrote this song after eating Taco Bell (eeeewwww) and says it is about bugs (ewww again) and not being able to sleep. Still makes no sense to me.
As you can probably tell, I am not an Owl City fan. Personally, I dislike electronic voices in songs. I also think that all of Owl City's songs sound the same. They all have the same electronic bubblegum sound, and I think, "Is this that fireflies song?" when I hear the intro to each one. If a person can't distinguish one song from the other until the chorus, then there is no originality. True, I have never heard music like this before. Owl City's songs are very different from other songs, but not different from each other. It's like Adam Young is ripping off his own songs. Plus he probably can't sing if he has to get a robot to do it for him.
I'm just sayin'.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
#3 - The Big Lebowski (I was too lazy to think of something more interesting)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
MR#2: Psycho - Finally, a Movie I Can Relate to!
Pysco is the controversial thriller directed by the famous Alfred Hitchcock and realeased in 1960. Almost everyone has seen or heard of some part of Psycho, whether it is the infamous shower scene or the ominous name of the Bates Motel.
I have watched Psycho and I found it to be a very entertaining thriller. It doesn't have the blood, guts, and gore that many people want to see in a movie today, but that is what I liked about it. I find blood, guts, and gore (and people who love it) completely morbid and disturbing. Ewwww.
In this movie, Alfred Hitchcock manages to create suspense without the overblown special effects and gallons of fake blood necessary to create a horror movie today. Luckily, I managed to avoid all talk about this movie until I actually got to see it in full, and I was glad I did. Although I had jokingly guessed the 'surprise twist ending', I never thought I would actually be right and was actually very surprised.
The two best aspects of this movie (in my humble opinion) were Anthony Perkins' chilling performance as Norman Bates and the suspenseful music that played during the movie. Anthony Perkins' understated interpretation of the character Norman Bates was amazing. Even though you knew he couldn't be good, he seemed to innocent and trustworthy, an intresting mix of sinister and sweet. And the music that played throughout kept you on your seat and is what made the movie the suspenseful thriller that it is.
I can see how many people of this generation won't like it. For one thing, the lack of blood and guts could be a problem. Also, if a movie isn't in colour then it is not worth watching. While I did not find this movie scary (and believe me, I am scared VERY easily), I still thought that it was an amazing movie. I loved the plot and I loved the music and I loved how it was black and white. Colour makes everything less spooky.
One thing I didn't love about the movie was the story of Norman Bates' mother. Even though it was explained at the end of the film, I still thought it was a bit of a stretch and a bit odd. I also found the scene directing after the murder, where Norman takes his sweet time to mop (don't you just love a man who mops?) the blood up, to be a bit slow-going.
Overall, I thought Psycho was an awesome movie and definitely worth watching, even if just for the scary 'knife murderer' music that everyone knows and loves...or not. It's up to you.Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Yo, Kane! Imma Review You!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Mini Review #1 - Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times
I've always known who Charlie Chaplin was.
"Who's Charlie Chaplin?" they'd say.
I'd reply with, "You know, the guy with the funny mustache that was in black and white films."
And that is true, isn't it?
Observe the picture: Does he not have a funny mustache? Is he in black and white?
Case closed.
But the other day in class, I was able to actually watch a Charlie Chaplin film entitled Modern Times.
What did I learn? Charlie Chaplin is surprisingly small. Why did I think he was taller? He's like a pocket gnome!
I actually liked the film. First of all, Charlie Chaplin reminds me so much of my grandpa. They're both really short and weird. So I found the movie funny because I kept thinking of my grandpa, who acts just like that.
If I didn't keep imagining my grandpa in Charlie's role, I might not have found the movie funny so much as silly. It was silly. Silly humour is not my favourite, but the grandpa know. It was funny.
Overall, I enjoyed the film and was disappointed that I could not finish it in class. Will I become Charlie Chaplin's #1 fan and stalk him and his family? *ponders for a moment* Hmmm....maybe not, although that does sound fun.
The film was silly, but fairly funny. The style of humour is very dated, but still funny. If something is truly funny, it will always be funny. He got a few laughs out of me!
Well, mostly because of the grandpa thing. Maybe if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have found it as funny. I'm really biased here....and confused.
I don't know what to think!!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Blog #1 - Is Media Important to Me?
Film: In what other genre can you get action, car chases, explosions, and Matt Damon all rolled into two fun-filled hours? None. That is why film is one of my favourite genres of media. Really, does anything else need to be said?