Pysco is the controversial thriller directed by the famous Alfred Hitchcock and realeased in 1960. Almost everyone has seen or heard of some part of Psycho, whether it is the infamous shower scene or the ominous name of the Bates Motel.
I have watched Psycho and I found it to be a very entertaining thriller. It doesn't have the blood, guts, and gore that many people want to see in a movie today, but that is what I liked about it. I find blood, guts, and gore (and people who love it) completely morbid and disturbing. Ewwww.
In this movie, Alfred Hitchcock manages to create suspense without the overblown special effects and gallons of fake blood necessary to create a horror movie today. Luckily, I managed to avoid all talk about this movie until I actually got to see it in full, and I was glad I did. Although I had jokingly guessed the 'surprise twist ending', I never thought I would actually be right and was actually very surprised.
The two best aspects of this movie (in my humble opinion) were Anthony Perkins' chilling performance as Norman Bates and the suspenseful music that played during the movie. Anthony Perkins' understated interpretation of the character Norman Bates was amazing. Even though you knew he couldn't be good, he seemed to innocent and trustworthy, an intresting mix of sinister and sweet. And the music that played throughout kept you on your seat and is what made the movie the suspenseful thriller that it is.
I can see how many people of this generation won't like it. For one thing, the lack of blood and guts could be a problem. Also, if a movie isn't in colour then it is not worth watching. While I did not find this movie scary (and believe me, I am scared VERY easily), I still thought that it was an amazing movie. I loved the plot and I loved the music and I loved how it was black and white. Colour makes everything less spooky.
One thing I didn't love about the movie was the story of Norman Bates' mother. Even though it was explained at the end of the film, I still thought it was a bit of a stretch and a bit odd. I also found the scene directing after the murder, where Norman takes his sweet time to mop (don't you just love a man who mops?) the blood up, to be a bit slow-going.
Overall, I thought Psycho was an awesome movie and definitely worth watching, even if just for the scary 'knife murderer' music that everyone knows and loves...or not. It's up to you.
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